Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Jaxon Is One!!

A lot has happened since the last time I blogged. The biggest thing being that Jaxon turned 1 on December 20th! It's hard to believe that he is a big one year old already!! I took him to the doctor on his birthday for his four shots :( He is 23 lbs. 13 oz. (75%) and 30 1/2 inches (70%).

The Sunday before he turned one we had a big birthday party for him. The party was sock monkey themed and turned out great!!

Ready to party!

The decoration made by me!

Amazing cake! Thanks Nana!

High chair banner.

So many presents!

Tired boy.

Time fore cake!

Jaxon with all the grandparents.

The party was so much fun! Thanks to everyone that came to celebrate with Jaxon!

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