Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Our newest adeventure.

It has seriously been forever since I've blogged!! After looking at all of my old posts I decided I needed to start again. My last post was Christmas 2011 so I've missed over a year. I'm not going to try and catch up just start from where we are now.

Grant and I decided to sell our house last October. We spent about 2 weeks getting it together and listed it. We had 4 offers in less than 2 days.

                                                                     1st house- 2008-2012

We accepted a cash offer and moved out 2 weeks later. We have been living with Grant's mom since the first week of November. We are currently building a house in Frisco. It has been fun picking out all the finishes we want and watching it be built from the ground up.

It's coming along nicely!! Our closing date is set for mid May. I'm hoping it gets done a little before that.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas time.

Christmas is my favorite time of the year! This was Jaxon's second Christmas. Last Christmas he was only 5 days old and had no idea what was going on. This Christmas was better, but he still didn't understand the concept of the gifts. He like to play with the paper and boxes but has no interest in sitting still long enough to unwrap the gifts.

Christmas morning was spent at our house with Nana.

Cinnamon rolls for breakfast!

Time for presents!

Later in the afternoon we went to my parents house to open more gifts and have lunch. He loved hanging our with Aunt Tara, Uncle Sam, and his cousins Christian and Madison.

Jaxon Is One!!

A lot has happened since the last time I blogged. The biggest thing being that Jaxon turned 1 on December 20th! It's hard to believe that he is a big one year old already!! I took him to the doctor on his birthday for his four shots :( He is 23 lbs. 13 oz. (75%) and 30 1/2 inches (70%).

The Sunday before he turned one we had a big birthday party for him. The party was sock monkey themed and turned out great!!

Ready to party!

The decoration made by me!

Amazing cake! Thanks Nana!

High chair banner.

So many presents!

Tired boy.

Time fore cake!

Jaxon with all the grandparents.

The party was so much fun! Thanks to everyone that came to celebrate with Jaxon!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

New Hat!!

It's been awhile since I posted. I received a new winter hat for Jaxon today. He immediately tried to pull it off but then left it on. I think he likes it. He looks so cute in it!

This isn't the best picture but I'll be sure to get more. This hat inspired Jaxon's first birthday theme: Sock Monkeys!! I found some really cute decorations on Etsy to use at the party. I can't wait to start planning. Only 6 weeks until the big day. I can't believe he is almost a year!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Poor Sick Baby

Jaxon has been sick off and on for over a week now. Last Tuesday he left daycare early with stomach pains. He spent the rest of the afternoon and evening throwing up. That passed quickly and then this past Saturday he started running a fever of 103.5. I took him to Care Now (way over priced) to see what was wrong. After a blood test they determined he had some sort of bacterial infection. He was put on Amoxicillin but has yet to get better. His fever goes down with tylenol but then returns. We will be going to his regular pediatrician this afternoon to see what he says.

My poor baby doesn't feel well :(

Sunday, October 23, 2011

10 months

Time has flown by! I can't believe Jaxon is 10 months old already. We have been so busy I haven't blogged since Jaxon turned 9 months old. It is getting harder and harder to do his monthly pictures because all he wants to do his play with the paper! Here is what I was able to get:

Facts about Jaxon at 10 months:

1. He has his 8th tooth growing in-4 on top and 4 on bottom.
2. Can fully crawl everywhere he goes. No more army crawl!
3. Pulls himself to standing and takes a few steps holding on to furniture.
4. Had his first stomach bug last week (so sad!)
5. Put on antibiotic for the first time yesterday.
6. Eating more table food. He loves mashed potatoes!
7. His favorite toy is the remote.
8. Says "dada" "mama" and "nana"
9. Gets excited every time he sees someone familiar (especially mama and dada)
10. Loves being outside.
11. 23 lbs. (70%) 28 1/2 inches (30 %)

I'll try to do better and post more blogs before Jaxon turn 11 months old!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

9 months old.

I can't believe Jaxon is 9 months old already! I took him to the doctor today for his 9 month checkup. He is 22 lbs 2 oz. (80%) and 27 3/4 inches (30%). While we were there he was given 3 shots and a finger prick. He was so brave and hardly cried! We went home and took his 9 month pictures. He was very tired and cranky and it was hard to get a good shot. Here are my favorites:

Jaxon at 9 months...
1. He has 6 teeth, 2 on top and 4 on bottom.
2. Can pull himself to standing in his crib or using any low furniture.
3. Has started to eat infant snacks. Mum Mums are his favorite.
4. Loves to lay on his tummy and play with the drain in the bathtub as it empties.
5. Takes one nap a day for two hours.
6. Goes to the Child Development Academy in CFBISD and loves his teachers!!
7. Can't crawl yet but is very mobile. He drags his body everywhere he wants to go.
8. Improving with a sippy cup but does not like juice.
9. Reaches for us when he wants to be held.
10. It's almost impossible to change his diaper or dress him because he is always trying to flip on his tummy. Squirmy boy!
11. Thinks sneezes and burps are hilarious!

We love this little guy so much!!