Monday, July 25, 2011

Busy day.

It's amazing how a day with nothing to do can turn turn into a busy day of errands. Jaxon and I started our day after his morning nap with a trip to Sam's Club to buy more formula. We were completely out and the last thing anyone wants is a hungry baby! Jaxon was so excited when he saw the formula! I let him hold one of the containers. It was huge but he managed!

We came home and took Hampton to the groomers. He hates going but he needed it badly. After we dropped Hampton off, Jaxon and I went to Target to go grocery shopping. I bought some school supplies for my classroom and then groceries for the week. Grocery shopping went a little long and cut into nap time. By the end of the shopping trip Jaxon was fussy and I had to carry him and push the cart at the same time. Not easy!! Jaxon was asleep as soon as I put him in his car seat. After a good nap it was time to pick up Hampton. He looked so much better after his grooming!

Later in the evening during play time I gave Jaxon a mirror to play with and he had so much fun!

Giving himself a kiss!

Jaxon was so tired at the end of the day he was asleep before I laid him in his crib at 7:00pm. Another great day with my favorite little guy!

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