Thursday, July 21, 2011

Take Your Child to Work Day

Today was "Take You Child to Work Day" at McAfee so I took Jaxon to go visit Grant at work. We went up to work and Grant walked us around to meet his co-workers. Everyone loved Jaxon and thought he was so cute! We got to see Grant's desk, the game room that has a ping pong table and video games, the cafeteria, and the coolest soda machine! Here are some pictures taken at McAfee:

Changing Jaxon's diaper in one of the conference rooms.

Walking down the stairs to leave for lunch.

We were at McAfee for about 30 minutes and then it was time for lunch. We went to Genghis Grill, which I had never been to before. It was yummy! We will definitely be going back. Jaxon was exhausted from visiting daddy's office and he slept all during lunch.

We finished off the afternoon with a trip to the mall and then came home for a late nap. This evening my amazing husband drove all the way to Prosper to pick up a jumperoo we bought off of Craig's List for Jaxon.

I can't wait for Jaxon to try it out tomorrow!!

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