Wednesday, July 20, 2011

7 Months Old

Where has the time gone? I can't believe our sweet baby boy is 7 months old already! He is currently 21 lbs. (75%) and 27 1/2 inches (40%). I'm enjoying spending my summer at home with him and I know I won't be ready to go back to work in 3 weeks. Jaxon is precious, sweet and loving and I'm thankful everyday for him.

Here are a few facts about Jaxon at 7 months old:

1. Babbles all the time and says "dada".
2. Has said "mama" once. (I'm waiting for him to say it again!)
3. Sits up like a "big boy" in a shopping cart and high chair.
4. Has 2 bottom teeth. Watch out, he has a strong bite!
5. Still takes 3 naps a day at 9:00 am, 12:30 pm, and 4:00 pm.
6. Goes to bed by 7:00 pm and sleeps until 7:00 am.
7. Eats baby fruits and vegetables every evening. His favorites are sweet potatoes and pears.
8. Smiles at everyone!
9. Holds his own bottle when he wants to.
10. Can not figure out how to use a sippy cup.
11. Hates water. All he wants from a bottle is formula!
12. Rolls to get to things he can't reach.
13. Loves bath time and splashing in the water.
14. Has discovered he loves to sleep on his tummy.
15. Loved by everyone that meets him!

His 7 month pictures I took earlier today:

As you can see he is very curious and has to play with everything!

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