Sunday, August 21, 2011

8 Months Old

Our sweet baby is 8 months old! He is 21 lbs. 6 oz. (50-75%) and 27 1/2 inches (50-75%).

Here are some facts about Jaxon at 8 months...

1. Has 4 bottom teeth (still waiting on some tops!)
2. Can pull up on his knees but has not made his first crawling movement.
3. Sits up in the bathtub like a big boy with no seat.
4. Has started daycare and is doing really well! His teachers tell me he hardly ever cries and is happy all the time!
5. Eats 3 meals a day: cereal for breakfast, fruit for lunch, and veggies and fruits for dinner.
6. Has started eating table food: mashed potatoes, rice, and bread.
7. Stays up later and goes to sleep around 7:30pm.
8. He is down to 2 naps a day-9:30 and 12:30.
9. Still waiting to hear "mama"
10. Gets the biggest smile when he sees me or Grant!

We are so blessed to have Jaxon in our lives!

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